admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 1 month ago
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 5 months ago
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 5 months ago
Andres Amador is no ordinary artist. He neither draws or paints. He doesn’t sculpt. Instead of a white canvas, he uses nature, namely the beach. Instead of a brush, he uses a rake. Andres creates artworks that are larger than 100,000 square feet. He spends countless hours on his pieces even though he knows that the tide will soon wash it away…
Full story and more pics here: http://sftimes.co/?id=25&src=share_fb_new_25
admin wrote a new post on the site Sevaji 10 years, 6 months ago
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 7 months ago
Expose on False Flag Tactics by US Government, NATO and Governments Worldwide-
This video brings many questions to seek the truth in our government ~ False flag tactics should be held accountable here and in any government that participates in such activities world wide .. so may the global community seek and question for a better world ~
May we recognize the true patriot, not the sheep, is one that seeks truth for the good of people ~
Buddha said Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
So to question is to seek ~ and in seeking truth.. may enlightenment for the good of the many prevail ~
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 8 months ago
Many of you have been asking when would Sevaji have this music available. Well, now it is finally available for download!
Track Listing:
1. Longtime Sun (Farewell Blessing) 2. Beautiful 3. Love Becomes Her 4. Everlasting Joy 5. Adi Shakti Namo Namo 6. Healer’s Trance 7. Ra Ma Da Sa 8. Morning Salutation 9. Ong Namo.Available here: http://divineearth.org/main/downloads/
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 9 months ago
90 year old Charlotte Gerson recovers from hip fracture using organic juicing therapy pioneered by her father.
admin commented on the post, An investigation of the plesiosaur-like lake creature (documentary), on the site 10 years, 10 months ago
Very interesting!
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 11 months ago
The Washington Post reported that then national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was warned about the 9/11 attacks two months before it happened ~ Here is the link to the article –
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/30/AR2006093000282.htmlAlso, then Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown reported that he was warned not to fly on 9/11 the day before the attack by an unnamed woman caller – The story was reported in the San Francisco newspaper immediately and later other articles linked Rice to the unnamed caller. When questioned about the 9/11 warning – Willie Brown has changed his story and denies he was warned not to fly on 9/11.
admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 11 months ago
Despite the daunting title, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” is a very inspirational documentary on the journey of Joe Cross from Australia as he goes on a juice fast for 60 days. The results are amazing!
Watch it […]
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years ago
A short but compelling video describing how the radiation in the area known as the Van Allen Radiation Belts make it impossible for a human to pass through.
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 2 months ago
An interesting video about the discovery of an Atlantean crystal in a buried pyramid beneathe the ocean floor but partially uncovered after a storm shifted the sand of the seabed floor. It looks like Edgar Cayce was right about Atlantis being near Bimini in the Caribbean.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULArW_q1HnA -
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 2 months ago
Dear Friends of Divine Earth,
As you know, our mission at Divine Earth is to spread the wisdom of holistic living and living in accord with nature. To this end I encourage you to take some time to watch The Sacred Science. This intriguing documentary follows the lives of 5 people with varying illnesses as they take a leap of faith and journey deep into the Amazon to meet with curanderos, healers that use the healing power of nature. These shamans are keepers of ancient knowledge that has been passed down in a lineage that spans centuries. Today their way of life and the sacred medicines of the jungles are being threatened by urban sprawl and deforestation.
Other recommended movies and documentaries
Medicine Man (1992) – with Sean Connery
Ayurveda: the Art of Being (2001)
Many blessings,
Johannes ~ Sevaji -
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 2 months ago
admin wrote a new post on the site Sevaji 11 years, 3 months ago
This is a magnificent thought: that at this very moment you are giving birth to reality. Stop and reflect on how wondrous this truly is!
No matter where you are at this very moment you are creating your very […]
admin wrote a new post on the site Sevaji 11 years, 3 months ago
There are two sacred and mystical moments in everyone’s life: the moment the soul enters the body and the moment the soul leaves the body. We call these moments birth and death. The first is usually a cause for […]
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 4 months ago
“Los Angeles is building a tall steel (not mere mesh) Berlin type razor wire topped security wall around the poor (i.e. black and latino) sections of the city. This will make it easier to corral them and kill them […]
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 4 months ago
In this excerpt from the documentary Smasara, you’ll witness 6 minutes of shame for the human race.
I find it deeply disturbing that mankind would misuse its intelligence to create apparatuses that diminish the quality of life for animals simply to expedite the killing process. The fact that we continue to create more and more horrific weapons to kill even our own species shows our lack of respect for life. I hereby withdraw my association with the human race. I am now just an animal. Kill an animal and you kill me. Eat an animal and you eat me. For those of conscience, please consider the chain of suffering involved to bring a piece of meat to your plate. You are part of that chain. Is it worth it? Don’t blindly answer this question with an autonomic response. Enter your consciousness into the inquiry. Can you imagine a humanity that cares about the welfare of all sentient beings? It seems like we are taught not to care, that it is acceptable to drop depleted uranium bombs, that we can slaughter animals for our own culinary pleasure, that we can destroy and waste the earth’s resources. What a message we are sending to the children of this world who will inevitably grow up to accept and repeat the same atrocities. You want a better world? Become more conscious and deepen your compassion for life! Then encourage others and help them to get out of their apathy so that the human race can blossom into becoming the humane race that we were meant to be. – Sevaji
admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 4 months ago
I am so touched by the beauty of this child. He recognizes what so many people try to ignore, that animals are sentient beings and there is no reason to eat flesh and cause such suffering. Children, if they are explained what they are eating, are usually horrified by the very idea of causing the death of a pig or cow to simply put a section of a corpse on your plate. The Earth is abundant with so many vegetables, nuts, grains, and fruits. Why kill? This must have a profoundly underestimated effect on the consciousness of a child which stays with them into adulthood, desensitizing them to others’ suffering.
admin commented on the post, Yes, Big Brother Is Alive and Well in the USA, on the site 11 years, 4 months ago
Personally, I think everyone should do a search for those keywords en masse and blow the system!
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As former governor and navy seal – Jesse Ventura’s questions of something going down is worth looking into ~~