Birthing Reality

This is a magnificent thought: that at this very moment you are giving birth to reality. Stop and reflect on how wondrous this truly is!

No matter where you are at this very moment you are creating your very own reality. If you can’t really grasp the magnitude of this idea you will more than likely question your power.

You may say, “Well, if I am creating my reality I want something better right now!” But alas, you can have something better right now. If you are feeling a little down you have the power right now to change that. The reverse is also true; if you are happy you can actually will yourself to be sad.

You may not realize you are willing things into being, but you are. Sure some restrictions apply, but the more locked into limiting beliefs the more the restrictions – which are self imposed – will affect your ability to shift reality. Likewise, the less bound by limiting beliefs the greater your power to affect the here-now.

The Wiccan faith (yes, the ones that were considered witches) were and still are among the various spiritualist, cults, and certain religions that discovered and utilized the power of intent to affect reality. They were known for their spells and incantations that harnessed the forces of energy and nature to enact their will. The closing affirmation to their magic spells was often “As I will, so mote it be!”

If your mind is as it was meant to be, as a servant to serve you in this earthly life, then recognizing that you are giving birth to reality with every thought is an exciting concept. But if your mind is off, stuck on destructive thinking, then it may be a repulsive concept because it means that you are responsible.

Whether you like it or not, you are birthing reality every moment. Practice birthing reality consciously at random times until you get the hang of it and can be a fully conscious creator of your life. What would you like to change right now? Do you want to be more happy? Healthier? More kind, less grumpy? Think about what you believe you can change right now and will it to be so.

Once you get the knack for it the sky is the limit. You can birth an amazing earthly existence if you wish to but take this to the realm of spirit and you can create miracles around you with every thought. Imagine if every thought you think could serve you to the highest measure…These are the words Confucius spoke some two thousand five hundred years ago: “Is virtue a thing remote? I wish to be virtuous, and lo! Virtue is at hand.”

Make your mind work for you, think it and lo! it shall be!

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