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Yes, Big Brother Is Alive and Well in the USA

An anti-terror squad raided the home of a New York family weeks after random Google searches for “pressure cooker”, “Boston Bombing” and “backpack” turned into “a perfect storm.”

Take a woman’s love for steamed Quinoa, her husband’s appetite for a backpack plus a dash of her son’s love of current events and you have the perfect recipe for a police raid.

That’s what allegedly happened to Michele Catalano, who lives in Long Island, New York. Catalano said her web searches for pressure cookers, coupled with her husband’s search for a rucksack and her son’s insatiable interest in the Boston bombings turned into what she believed was a “perfect storm of terrorism profiling.”

FULL ARTICLE HERE: http://rt.com/usa/googling-bomb-feds-raid-suspicious-925/



  1. Personally, I think everyone should do a search for those keywords en masse and blow the system!

  2. “I felt a sense of creeping dread take over,” Catalano wrote. “What else had I looked up? What kind of searchers did I do that alone seemed innocent enough but put together could make someone suspicious?”

    “This is where we are at. Where you have no expectation of privacy…Where you have to watch every little thing you do because someone else is watching every little thing you do,”

    This is so important, Johannes – thank you for bringing this up for discussion !

    The Internet is one of the current areas of public abuse – and also our invasion of privacy goes back through the generations – My mother was questioned by Federal agents when she was a young girl …They asked her if she had any “records” referring to national security records as if she were a spy! This all came about simply because she talked about having “records” meaning music records/ albums at the hair salon and one of the women in the beauty shop reported my mom to authorities …idiots!!

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