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Christmas Blessings

On December 25th we honor the birth of a great master whose teachings have profoundly affected virtually every human being alive today. Even those who belong to other faiths or may not even follow any religion have in some way been touched by Jesus Christ.

To me Jesus was a true rebel, not in the normal sense of the word, but in the sense that through Truth and Love he was able to shake up the consciousness of mankind, not only in his time but even to this day. It is true that in times of lies and injustice the act of telling the truth is an act of rebellion. And just as there were those who would try to enslave and overpower others through deceit in Jesus’ day, the same exists today. And this is what makes the core of his teachings – not the religion that grew around it – as relevant now as it ever was. His commitment to truth was unrelenting even at the ostracizing of his peers, and even in the face of his own death.

Some scholars have said that during the 18 unaccounted years before Jesus’ first public appearance that he had journeyed to India and studied for a time with the yogis. In fact, in India there exists accounts of his life there where he was known as Issa Nathar. His tomb is claimed to be located in Kashmir and still exists there now.

I tend to believe Jesus was a yogi based on certain evidence and also based on my own intuition. Many of the miracles Jesus performed have also been performed by both ancient and modern yogis, as observed by credible witnesses who have trained at their feet. In his book Autobiography Of A Yogi, Paramahamsa Yogananda described the miracles he himself witnessed of his master. My teacher, Hari Nam, has related to me personally some of the incredible things his teacher Yogi Bhajan performed. Even in my own case, there are things I have experienced that defy logical explanation. Therefore, I know that what Jesus said is true: that we are ALL capable of doing wondrous things!

Jesus said, “The person that believes in me will do the same things I have done. Yes! He will do even greater things than I have done.”

Never mind walking on water, healing the sick, or even raising the dead. If we can do just one thing that Jesus asked of us – to forgive – then I believe we will see the greatest miracle happen: a world of peace, a world of beauty, and a world of love. But this forgiveness must be with all the heart, for everyone, not simply those who we feel deserve it, those we deem have earned it. For what miracle lays in forgiving someone who deserves it? No, the miracle is in forgiving with all the heart those who do not even ask for it.

Blessings and Merry Christmas!

Sevaji (Johannes)


  1. Beautifully said Johannes. Many blessings my friend, have yourself a Divine Christmas!

  2. Your words, Johannes, lighting your lamp of spiritual light .. your flame . beautiful ~ As we honor this special holiday it is perfect to meditate on the life and spirit of Christ ~ As you know it is of special interest to me when you mentioned the connection of Jesus to the sages of India ~ As you mentioned ..Paramahansa Yogananda embraced Jesus Christ in his ancient Hindu Indian teachings and books ~

    For others who may not have heard of the Yogamanda’s insight on Jesus’ connection to India .. may I mention the 2008 film entitled “Jesus in India” which explored the “missing years” of Jesus ..may be of interest ~ The film traveled across three continents to uncover evidence of Jesus’ sojourn in India …and features conversations with world-renowned scholars, religious leaders, and historians ~


    Thank you for this blessing Sevaji ~
    May your Christmas be Blissful ~Divinely with Love and Joy ~ Coralina ~

  3. Wishing everyone and Seva a blessed Christmas and holiday season from my heart!! :))

    Today was the celebration of the nativity of one of the most beloved of spiritual teachers of all time, Christos, which we take the time to ponder upon the birth of Jesus…who gave us one of the most precious gifts to humanity, the word of “peace and love” and his teachings…..

    While growing up Eastern (Greek) Orthodox christian – it has always been a joyous time for us….esp. myself, for i love the holiday of Christmas and what it truly represents…..more than the exhanging of gifts, but being with our loved ones…sharing the precious moments…..and focusing on Christ’s birth…..(we even lit a candle this morning, as this year’s Christmas is a special one, falling on a Sunday) —

    You bring great insight into the life of Jesu….beyond the religion that has grown around his teachings….especially into the “missing years”…undocumented where he isnt mentioned for a period of time within the Gospels….which is speculated that Jesus did indeed travel to India to learn much more about spirituality…devoting his time for self-realization…..and coming back to Israel ever more wise — spreading the message of love and brotherhood to all ~ And only a few years ago….i found it quite fascinating about the Sojourn to India….that I even brought back one of Yogananda’s books (The Yoga of Jesus) and found it a very enlightening and interesting read…..which complements and enriches the readings of the Bible…helping me to learn more about the “Real Christ” – and discover the “Christ” within…..ourselves……

    Not only was he just the “Savior” of the Christians….but a “Savior” for all of humanity….as the message his teachings provide are Universal……”Love one Another” – and as Joh mentions, his amazing dedication to the Truth of his teachings is so admirable….unwavering till’ the very end….a true “rebel” – to the consciousness of mankind…..during such a tumultuous era…..Even still today, through his teachings, still lives on like a shining light….evermore ~

    “Christ lives within us” – the “Kingdom of God” resides within our hearts…..Doxa tou Christou…..Merry Christmas!! – Kala Christouyenna….amin…..

  4. I can feel that you have reflected upon the life and meaning of Christ in our lives, Yannaki, with much sensitivity ~ Thank you for sharing!

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