With as few as 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild, zoologists at the Chester Zoo in the U.K. were thrilled when five-year-old Kirana gave birth to three baby cubs last month on Oct. 21st ~
In addition to being adorable, these baby tigers represent one of the last chances for the species ~
“It’s estimated that there are just a few hundred left in the wild and only around 7% of their original habitat remains, which is why these triplets are so, so important,” Tim Rowlands – the zoo’s curator of mammals ~
Such beautiful and powerful creatures…
Awww!!!!! – what a lovely photo of the mamma/pappa tiger w/ the cute little cubbie tigrette!! – brings such a warm and fuzzy feeling to my heart…..
Im so joyful to hear about the birth of the 3 new cubs – definitely a positive sign and hope of bringing back the population of the Sumatran tigers one by one (only 400 left! – wow…) ~ may they begin to thrive once more, for future generations to enjoy the beauty and wonder of these amazing works of art-nature! – ~ thanks for posting this up Coralinni! :))
Beautiful and powerful indeed ~ The photo does warm the heart and yes .. how very scary that so few tigers remain in the wild ~ It is up to our generation to save the tiger~