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The Season of Love

Illuminating words by Seva Ji who inspires the divine  …
The Season of Love 

Within each of us is a seed. And this seed grows into whatever it is tended with. When nurtured with love, it bears the fruit of love. When nurtured with compassion, it bears the fruit of compassion. When nurtured with humility, is bears the fruit of humility. Gratitude begets gratitude. Peace begets peace. Patience begets patience. These are the elements that grow a human being into an angelic being.

This seed is a potential and within the seed the entire potential of your essence exists. The entire potential of a Redwood exists in a seed. One tiny seed carries all the wisdom and knowledge to take only what it needs to grow into exactly what it was meant to be.

As conscious living beings on this earth we carry the potential for such greatness, such vastness, such beauty.

We too have the knowledge and wisdom to grow and reach the most magnificent zenith of divinity – to each be angels on earth.

It all depends on how we individually relate to the majesty of the heart, what it absorbs inwards and reflects outwards. This corresponds to what we attract and what we release into our lives.

Can you attract goodness and embrace love? Can you release hurt and drop resentment? These are two self-identifying questions that will dictate your ability to be happy and reach higher planes of consciousness.

Inevitably storms come that try to was away the soil around your seed, and leave the ground barren, infertile. Droughts come. Floods come. One million adversaries come. At worst, the seed may become contaminated and the fruit spoiled. Sometimes we have seasons in which whole crops have been destroyed. But alas, a new season emerges, a new year comes to pass. Though there may be a tempest circling within you nothing can destroy the seed. Though confusion may cloud your mind, the seed remains untouched. Though fear and doubt may sprout like weeds, the seed of your lotus heart awaits its time to flower.

Let this be the season of your love. Let this be the season of your forgiveness. Let this be the season of your heart. May your benevolent thoughts uplift you to experience profound joy. May your righteous words heal the hearts of mankind. May your conscious actions build a peaceful and sacred world for generations to come.


Sat Nam,




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