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The Creative Self ~

Amazing how Johannes has a way of expressing the essence of our most precious life-experiences ..as if he is speaking to each one of us individually and awakening a deep cord within ~ Here is Johannes/Sevaji’s discourse on “The Creative Self” ~ so beautiful ~

“The Creative Self

It seems to me that to be a truly happy and fulfilled person there is a need for self-expression, and that as human beings we have this innate urge to create and to participate in shaping the world around us. We all have the ability to be creative, but how often do we give ourselves the opportunity to do so?

When we were children most of us loved building things whether it be snow forts (if you lived in the north) or sand castles; or to design our own toys out of boxes, wood, or other leftover scrap material; or make dolls and dress them up; or dream up imaginary worlds with wizards, dragons, princesses, unicorns, or just imaginary friends to keep us company. This out pouring of creative expression is what made childhood so magical!

As we got older, our creativity was suppressed in order to learn the ways of the “real world”. We had to learn what adults and society told us was important to learn and they began to mold us to be good citizens, to fit in, to be a cog in a wheel. As we got older still, any remnants of time to be creative was eaten up with the obligations of survival. And with that came a lot of stress! The real world kept us so busy that we didn’t even realize that something so precious was incrementally being hidden away.

An essential part of the spiritual path is to break free of all conditionings, to get back to the essential self before you associated yourself with your name, your job, your skin color, your sex. When you come to the realization that you are not a personality a divine freedom awakens within. It is this liberation that opens your consciousness to receive the gifts of creative source.

There is egoic creativity and source creativity; it is the latter that adorns the world with beauty and upliftment, that inspires awe and wonder, that heals the heart and touches the soul. Recapture the joy of childhood and regain that feeling of bliss by expressing the beauty in your heart, the beauty of the inner-child.

Let us bring beauty to this world. Dance! Sing! Create masterpieces of music, art, and poetry! Your entire being will rejoice and so much healing will begin as you realign with the primal essence of your very existence. The Universe is creativity and we are but individual expressions of this indefinable creative source.

Johannes ~ Sevaji ~ Hippie Guru Maharaj”

One Comment:

  1. The description of our childhood memories brings back many personal memories for myself ~~~I remember growing up on our family flower farm many creative projects with my sister and brother ~

    Even though we had nice toys in our home ..it seems we enjoyed even more ..playing outside in the freshly poured mounds of new soil and in our flower packing house ~ My sister and I built our own playhouse out of the large flower water cans in the packing house .. and my brother and I landscaped a miniature golf course out of the mounds of soil ~ Even though the playhouse and golf course were temporary, until the cans and soil were put to their intended use on the farm, these creative childhood projects remain with me ~ Metta!

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