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The Aquarian Age ~ November 11th, 2011

The dawn of the Aquarian Age is upon us. It has been foretold by many mystics, yogis and gurus that this transition from the Picean Age to the Aquarian, as represented by the change of zodiac houses, will bring about a whole new shift in the consciousness of the planet.

Though the exact date of this transition is questionable, Yogi Bhajan had set the date as November 11, 2011. I believe that if you observe what is going on in the consciousness of humankind you will agree that there indeed seems to be a great discontentment growing across the planet, and this is a symptom of the transitional period which will continue until 2038.

As the lead up to this time we have seen many indicators, including 9-11, the economic collapse (which is continuing and escalating), we have seen a rise in earthquakes and tsunamis, unpredictable weather patterns, riots in Egypt, Bahrain, Greece, and now have a movement like Occupy Wall Street with tens of thousands of people gathering across North America to protest the corrupt governmental and financial systems that have been eroding our freedoms and enslaving us.

The youth of today, our future, have lost faith in almost everything and everyone. Perhaps rightly so. With so many divorces, they’ve lost faith in family. With the school system passing just about anyone, they’ve lost faith in education. With scandals in the government, they’ve lost faith in leaders. With corruption amongst corporations, they’ve lost faith in the economy. With widespread unemployment and the lack of good jobs, they’ve lost faith in their future. Faith in religion was lost long ago.

Now, more than ever, we each need a technology to prepare us mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, lest we become so desensitized to the images we see on TV and the stories we read in the newspapers.

We have to remember that within is us a heart, and this heart is meant to express and feel joy, happiness and love, and radiate it out to all beings, animals and to our beloved planet. But the dilemma arises that if so much doom and gloom surrounds us, how do we continue to be sensitive and feel, and not get sucked in into the misery around us? This requires a whole new perspective on existence and perhaps even the meaning of life.

We can either numb ourselves with drugs (medicinal or recreational), alcohol, diversions like video games or TV that create a pseudo reality, or we can live as courageous beings and face tomorrow as bringers of Light. This means seeing ourselves as having a divine purpose, a purpose of serving our fellow humans and of serving our planet. If we do not, who will?

This may be more than you believe you are ready to take on, or it may not be something you are even interested in. That’s fine. Your path is determined by your beliefs and your karma. Move at a pace you feel comfortable with, but just don’t become stagnant, or, even worse, regress. Everything takes effort. If want to beĀ  a great musician you must practice. If you want to gain strength, you must train. If you wish your life to be full of joy and elevating experiences, you must go within first, for the outer is represented by the inner.

Anyone who invests in his or her spiritual development will be much better prepared for the changes to follow. Even if the trying times don’t come, isn’t it wise to seek out higher truths, become more radiant, more kind and more loving? It’s truly time to get our act together so that we are prepared to rise above any situation that the future may bring. Remember, only you set your limits on how far you can go, because in reality, the sky is the limit! I urge you to invest in your consciousness, re-evaluate your priorities, re-consider what you believed your lot in life was, and discover the true depth of your inner beauty.


Johannes ~ Sevaji


  1. So very true and insightful .. you have a way, Johannes/Sevaji, of articulating the chaos that surrounds us ~ Yes, we are living in a time of great change and there is no more denying the upheaval that is taking place, from coast to coast, that is affecting all our lives ~

    A time for awareness so we make wise decisions for the uncertain future – I feel the energy of upheaving events that make me wonder where it will lead .. the difference of landing on the jagged rocks or hopefully on the soft grassy bluff ~ Thank you for your light .. radiant upon the path of the future ~ Stay safe and blessed ~

  2. Today on 11/11/11 .. as Johannes/Sevaji shares with Divine Earthers the significance of this powerful time of change – I send my love and chant for the rising consciousness of the planet ~ The uprising is seen in so many ways as Sevaji has described .. also the bank transfer day was another sign ~ Be concerned who becomes the next President of America ~ Stay peaceful in protests ~ Embrace Seva’s wish to be aware of world events and avoid mind numbing influences ~ Stay blessed ~ Love ~ Coralina ~

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