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Real truth behind the phony wars by Dr. Dahlia Wasfi



  1. It makes me very sad hearing/seeing/knowing some of the cruelties happening in parts of our planet. Things that the media in the US seldom shows, if at all. On one end, horrible crimes are being done for the profit of very few. On the other end, masses are being lead to accept & support war with such a ridiculous excuse as ‘defending our freedom’ when in first place freedom is acquired at the individual level. The media keeps selling life style after life style, programs, and all types of entertainment, all of which have a ‘sedation drug’ effect, making one want to retreat and ignore the reality happening to other human beings.

    Saddest thing is how children, and innocent people have been forced to live and suffer in such horrid conditions that war inflicts upon them. These people have no chance of ever living a ‘normal’ life. Even if things were to pacify, they would need quite a lot of emotional, psychological work to help them overcome what they have been put through.

    It’s despicable that soldiers are being applauded for ‘defending’ ‘our’ country. Cruelty upon cruelty. Makes me very sick.

    How can an individual like me, make a difference when seems that a great effort and support is being given into the cause of war by very ‘powerful’ organizations, groups, etc. It seems so much out of control. It’s easy to want to forget that it’s happening somewhere else and to people whom I have never met, but the truth is that they are my brothers and sisters. I feel their pain. I will continue praying for these cruelties to stop forever, and that the souls causing such evil acts upon others, may be raised from their darkness and be filled with much love & light. Prayer is everyone’s power that goes beyond the rational and analytical mind. In addition, I will consume only that which is necessary. Will meditate on this, and see what other solutions are available. Perhaps I will do some magic work on my end, ha!

    Thanks Sevara for posting this. I needed to see it. I’m one of those people who chooses to ignore this type of catastrophe because I feel powerless and my own psychology tells me that i cannot affect this situation, so it’s best to ignore it, and just concern about my well being. If you have any suggestions as to what type of action or approach one can have upon this, I would like to hear them.

    Sat Nam & Blessings to you and all of humanity!

    ~Maria Elena

  2. Thank you Johannes for bringing this insight and light ~ Looking behind the war agendas and rhetoric ~

    As an American I can feel how tightly the war machine controls our society’s beliefs ~ Freedom of speech or thought is stifled when one thinks of the consequences when one steps outside the box of the patriotic mind-set and dares to look deeper into the many agenda’s of war ~

    Although the video was difficult to watch (I did have to look away at parts but did not miss any of the audio message) it is a very powerful message that brings the hidden realities of war to light ~ One day may peace prevail .. but it will take the effort of the peace makers to bring the truth to light so thank you again Johannes ~

    From the heart ~ Om shanti divine ~ Coralina ~

  3. Greetings. We are all in agreement – war is brutal, bloody and criminal. War is attributed to the selfish need for domination either by nations, states, and/or individuals. Conflict can be just as cruel. Unfortunately, war and conflict have existed through-out all of humanity.

    Perhaps the worst by-product of war, aside from heart-breaking human casualties & atrocities, has been – the breeding of ‘HATRED’ – amongst nations, states, and/or individuals. Hatred has been, and remains – one of the biggest threats to our planet and humanity.

    There is no excuse or justification for war or hatred no matter who is waging it or participating in it. Sadly, we are ALL victims and/or participants either of war or conflicts of some extent in the present, or in our past. We must not place blame completely on ‘the soldiers’, for many are children from economically depressed communities, that are being enticed, programmed and desensitized at an early age by government / political / or religious rule – to mold them into killing machines.

    Perhaps the best manner to fix this is not by finger-pointing or instigating more hatred, nor by blaming one nation / group, or select individuals – because this only tends to feed into the ‘hatred’ cycle that only serves to topple humanity and eventually, our planet. The remedy against hatred lies within our souls. We must display – love, forgiveness, compassion and peace always, and spread this message by example. This being a simple, yet monumental task. Just imagine the bliss that would exist in our world, if every individual were to display these divine qualities in every circumstance and at all times. There would be no cruelty, greed, jealousy, oppression or the need for dominance. The sad truth is that horrible atrocities & criminal acts occur in EVERY nation of the world, and everyday there are cases where – women, children and elderly are exploited, used or killed in their own respective nations by their OWN peoples.

    While I applaud Dr. Dahlia Wasfi for speaking out against any type of war, it is my opinion that it is this type of propaganda such as the images seen in this video, just like the US propaganda for war, that breeds more hatred and turns nation against nation, and individuals against individuals. Stamp out hatred, and you will stamp out war and oppression.

    It is true that peace, love, compassion and forgiveness begins in our hearts and minds. We must all do our share to spread this message through prayer and meditation. However, some of us might feel inspired to step out beyond the ‘self’, and join a group of peaceful activists within our community, city, and/or state to give voice to our protests against government tactics used to justify waging war against others and brainwashing our children into believing war is a necessary evil to attain peace.

    There is no nation, group or individual that may consider themselves ‘supreme’. We are all inter-connected and equal members of the human race. We are brothers and sisters and should co-exist as such – in peace and love.

    Blessings from the heart —

  4. Well, lots of good comments here on this one! 🙂 I share the feelings of all of you in one way or another. I agree with Irma’s perspective in not fostering hate and seeing all peoples as brothers and sisters who are all connected. Dr. Wasfi has a good message, but this video was so theatrical that it took away from that message. I also think that the photographs contained in the video are far too graphic to serve their purpose. It is one thing to awaken people to the atrocities of war and the killing of innocent people, especially children. It is another thing to invade upon the privacy of the dead in the use of their photographs in this way – especially the children.

    I also agree with Maria’s views that it is frustrating and leaves one feeling powerless to be a part of any change that will make all of this senseless killing and warmongering stop. Coralina’s thoughts of the American war machines (including the press) having a tight control on our beliefs is also correct and well-stated. However, we all know why this “war” is being fought. We just don’t know how to stop it. The “machine” is too big. It has gotten out of control.

    Well, there are things we can do right now. As Irma said, we can participate in Peaceful protests. We can send emails, letters, or give phone calls to our U.S. legislators – and not once or twice, but repeatedly until they get the message that their constituents do not want this “war”. They do work for us – even though they tend to forget that little detail.

    We can meditate. We can pray for Peace. But, we can do more. Peace is not just a state of being. It is a way of living. It is a state of Motion. We must not only pray for Peace, my friends, but we must also live it every day in every action and interaction we engage ourselves into. We must choose the ways of Peace in all that we do, use, consume, etc. We can choose to eat foods that are grown in Peaceful ways. We can choose to use vehicles (at least some of us can) that are in Peaceful Harmony with the environment. We can choose to stop using the products that come from the spoils of war – the petroleum products. We can choose to live in Peace with ourselves, our families, our friends, our neighbors, and so on. If we keep living in Peace in the forefront of our minds, we emit the energies of Peace to all those around us – even into the Earth herself.

    The Dimension of Peace is here. It is up to each of us to raise our consciousness to the level where we can live within it. Do not despair. Remember that it is our Divine Right to be able to live in a state of Peace, and the Motion of it as well. If we hold the line, so to speak, we hold up our brothers and sisters through their Times of tribulation. Send the energies of Peace and Love to them to help sustain them and in the process we sustain ourselves, too.

    Peaceful blessings to you all.

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