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New book on Psychic Abilities ~ ESP

Physicist Russell Targ’s latest book will be released this April, entitled “The Reality of ESP” ~ Recently Deepak Chopra interviewed Targ and explored his remarkable experiences in the psychic world ~   

On February 4, 1974, members of the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped nineteen-year-old newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst from her Berkeley, California apartment. Desperate to find her, the police called physicist Russell Targ and Pat Price, a psychic retired police commissioner. As Price turned the pages of the police mug book filled with hundreds of photos, suddenly he pointed to one of them and announced, “That’s the ringleader.” The man was Donald DeFreeze, who was indeed subsequently so identified. Price also described the type and location of the kidnap car, enabling the police to find it within minutes. That remarkable event is one reason Targ believes in ESP.

As a scientist, Targ demands proof. His experience is based on two decades of investigations with physicist Harold Puthoff in 1972. The experiments they conducted routinely presented results could have happened by chance less than once in a million.

Using declassified data, Targ shows that during the course of the program at SRI, psychic readers were able to find downed Russian bomber in Aficia, describe the health of American hostages in Iran and locate a kidnapped American General in Italy. Viewers also described Soviet weapons factories in Siberia and countless other amazing tasks – all using psychic ability dubbed “remote viewing.”

 Targ describes the types of experiments:

1. Remote Viewing, in which a person describes places and events independent of space and time. For example, while in California Price drew to scale a Soviet weapons factory at Semipalitinsk with great accuracy later confirmed by Satellite photography. In another remote viewing, Targ accurately sketched an airport in San Andreas, Columbia himself. 

2. Whole field isolation, where someone in a state of sensory isolation accurately describes the visual experiences of someone else in another place.

3. Precognition and retrocausality, showing that the future can affect the past. That is, the elephant you see on television in the morning can be the cause of your having dreamed about elephants the previous night.

Final chapters explain how ESP works based on the Buddhist/Hindu view of our selves as nonlocal, eternal awareness; discuss the ethics of exercising psychic abilities,and show us how to explore ESP ourselves. “I am convinced,” Targ says, “that most people can learn to move from their ordinary mind to one not obstructed by conventional barriers of space and time.”

One Comment:

  1. Scary dream a couple of nights ago ~ I had a very vivid dream that I was in my family’s living room when the room began to swing dramatically from side to side .. I realized the earthquake I was experiencing was enormous and tried to run away from the large glass window – seconds later I woke up and felt great relief that it was just a dream~ But I read in the news the following day that some quakes did occur near Palm Springs and also across the border in Mexico around that time ~ This made me wonder if my dream was perhaps psychic related ~

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