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Natural Ideas for Detoxing Radiation

Since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I have done a number of meditations on the subject of radiation exposure, contamination, and the subsequent preventions and natural measures one can take to assist the body in protecting itself from the damages of radiation exposure. It has been suggested that I share these Insights with all of you. I do so with a Loving Heart. However, it is important for each of you to Understand that I am not a medical doctor. The information shared here is not meant to be construed as medical advice, nor is it meant to prevent, cure, or treat any disease or other medical condition. Each of you must use your own discretion in using this information however you see fit to do so. That said, here are the suggestions that I have been given in my meditations with Mother Earth and the Archangel Raphael (Archangel of Healing):

– Do not use potassium iodide tablets unless you have had direct exposure to high levels of radiation. Using these tablets without having been exposed at this level may result in excesses of iodine and potassium. Iodine is a thyroid mineral, which is why it is recommended for radiation exposure. The radioactive iodide particulates are among the first to impact the body, and can result in thyroid cancer. Using a naturally occurring iodine – either ingested or applied topically – will “fill the iodine receptors” in the thyroid, therefore leaving no place for the radioactive iodides to “land”. However, using a concentrated source of iodine, such as in the tablets, can overload the system with iodine and have adverse affects on the heart – such as increased blood pressure or increased and/or irregular pulse. Potassium excesses are also very hard on the heart, and can lead to heart attacks in some people. The potassium iodide tablets only serve to protect the thyroid in the cases of higher levels of exposure, and do nothing to protect the rest of the body.

– The recommended protection from radiation exposure is activated charcoal. Activated charcoal has a multitude of benefits for the body, and is an excellent defense against toxins and heavy metals. These materials magnetically bond with the vast surface areas of the charcoal, at which point they can be harmlessly eliminated from the body. It is important to note, though, that one should not take activated charcoal at the same time as a multi-vitamin or mineral, as it will also absorb a portion of those nutrients as well.

– Anti-oxidants are also very important in protecting the body from radiation damage. Spirulina is suggested as number one on the list, as it is very potent as an anti-oxidant and superfood for the body. It is important to include a good variety of anti-oxidants in your food consumption as well. Green tea is also a highly recommended addition to the anti-oxidant regime.

– It is imperative that we keep our fluid levels up during this time. Be sure to drink plenty of filtered water every day, adding more than usual to your intake to accommodate the elimination of toxins from the body.

– It is also imperative that we keep our sodium levels up. Sodium has been much vilified in the western allopathic communities, as it is grossly misunderstood. Naturally occurring sodium, such as that found in sea salt (unprocessed) and in fruits and vegetables, is critical to the health of the body. Sodium is present in every fluid our body makes – blood, lymph, urine, etc. Without it, the body will dehydrate internally. So, in order to eliminate the toxins from the body, one must have both water and sodium in quantities high enough to function properly. The best way to be sure that one is getting enough sodium, but not too much, is to enjoy a sea salt footbath. The pores in the skin of the feet will absorb what the body needs. Using a quarter cup of unprocessed sea salt in a tub of warm water works well.

– Through the use of sea salt (unprocessed), the body will take in some naturally occurring iodine. Iodine is a good Support for the thyroid, and should always be a consideration for the good health of it – just not to excess. Here is a list of good sources of naturally occurring iodine: Artichoke, asparagus, beans (butter, french, kidney, snap), blueberries & juice, brussel sprouts, carrots, chives, coconut, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, cottage cheese (goat), goat milk, green peppers, kale, lettuce (leaf), greens (mustard), oats (steel cut), okra, onions (green & dried), peanuts, potatoes (sweet, Irish), spinach (New Zealand), squash (summer), strawberries, swiss chard, tomatoes (ripe), turnips, watercress, watermelon. For those who are more concerned with maintaining a higher level of iodine, it is said that the topical application of tincture of iodine is helpful.

– It is additionally important to pay attention to the soluble fiber intake to assist in the elimination of toxic materials from the body. Be sure to include plenty of foods high in soluble fiber in the diet, such as whole grains, including brown rice, and legumes.

– While it is always important to eat organically, and preferably vegetarian, it is even more important while the body is trying to protect itself from the ravages of radiation, even in minute amounts. We don’t want to add to the burdens of toxic eliminations by eating toxins, too. Be sure that your produce has come from U.S. sources only, as the U.S. has cut off the import of Japanese produce. For those of you on the west coast, you might want to consider produce from greenhouses if you can find it.

There are numerous articles on the Internet on the subject of radiation exposure and various ways to address it. Some of these articles offer good, natural suggestions, while others seem doubtful. As has already been mentioned, the suggestions cited here are but the reflection of my meditations on the subject. While I have spent many years learning about the body and all its parameters and levels with Raphael, I am not a medical doctor. I urge each of you to discuss your concerns regarding radiation with the health care practitioner of your choice.

Another point from these meditations that I would like to share is that of hope. While the situation in and around Japan is dire, I am told by Mother Earth that it will not be as bad as many claim it is or predict that it will be. For as horrendous as nuclear disasters are, Mother Earth has a good handle on this one. She is, after all, our Mother and will do what she can to nurture and Protect us.

I wish you all the greatest blessings of good health.


  1. This is a wonderful information, Mia, that concerns those in Japan and also in the West~ Traces of radiation have been detected here in California and other parts of the continent due to the massive earthquake which damaged Japan’s nuclear plants ~ Most recently on March 21st the U.S. State Department said “No-one should take the KI (potassium Iodide pill) at this time” even though the KI is being made available to U.S. personnel in affected areas of Japan ~ Apparently making available potassium Iodide (KI) is a precautionary measure and to be used only upon direction if a change in circumstances warrant its use ~

    On a personal note, I am so happy that Mariko arrived from Tokyo this week safely in Los Angeles! ~ She said in broken English that no problems at the airport but a beagle chased her .. Not sure what she meant but she was laughing so that told me she was in good spirits and as happy to see us as we were to see her! ~

  2. Thanks for brining this to our awareness.

  3. Thank you, Mia , for taking the time to post this….All those suggestions(bar-KI) were great reminders and can certainly be harmlessly practiced throughout ones life ,in assisting our body in cleansing itself.

  4. I am happy that you are all finding the information shared to be of some use. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. 🙂

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