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Let Your Love Be Known ~

The beauty and wisdom of Sevaji ~

Let Your Love Be Known

Each morning when you awaken, arise with a sense of joy, gratitude, and wonder. Whatever troubles you had yesterday, let them go. Break open from the cocoon of dark thoughts that your past may have held and be like a seed the splits open from the dark depths of the soil towards the light.

It is from darkness the potential of the seed emerged to finally break through the soil’s surface to reach for the sky, to reach for the warmth of the sun, and to reach towards the heavens. Without its dark moments spent beneath the soil the seed would not have the yearning to become a flower. It would simply sit there in darkness waiting for death, not ever knowing life, not ever reaching its potential.

Every seed is different. Some may become a rose flower, others petunias, some a Bodhi tree and others a single blade of grass. It makes no difference. All are significant and share their beauty no matter how big or small with the rest of existence. Just like on a master painter’s canvas, every brush stroke is needed.

Do not underestimate your importance in this vast existence, for you would not be alive in this very moment to be part of this great work of art we call life if you were not necessary. You too are needed, but you are needed not as a seed but in your flowering, whatever form that may be.

I understand that you may have suffered, you may have shed a river of tears, you may have endured great pain, and that sometimes it may feel safer to cocoon yourself away from the world. To reach out of the darkness and towards the sunlight takes courage, for you become vulnerable. There are so many things that can happen once you stand exposed, naked in the sunlight. We live in a world of judgements, scorn, and ridicule. But it is also a world of great beauty. Remain hidden away you will never know this beauty and your life will be like a seed that never had the chance to sprout.

For a time you needed the darkness, pain, and sorrow to awaken you. All the difficulties in your life have served a purpose, for they have brought you to this moment in time, to make the decision to either cower away or flower into the true essence of your being. You have known darkness and now it is time to know light.

Just as the sun with its warmth gently urges the seed sitting in the cold, damp soil to emerge, you have an inner voice, the voice of your soul, calling you, beckoning you, urging you out of your darkness. Your soul whispers to you: “Remember that within you is a beautiful Lotus flower waiting to blossom. You are not alone.”

Your soul is the inner light that will guide you through all hardships and illuminate your path. Courage and faith will give you strength to take each step along the journey. Then one day, when you least expect it, like a prisoner who has finally dug his way beneath the prison walls to the other side, you have arrived and your are free.

Jesus says, “For those who have eyes to see, let them see, and for those who have ears to hear, let them hear.” To this I add, “For those who have a heart, let them love.” Love is your flowering. Let your love be known.
Many blessings,

Johannes ~ Sevaji

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