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Let love be your greatest miracle

Let love be your greatest miracle. If you can love so profoundly, so deeply, so purely, you will have the most blessed life. Nothing else compares. No amount of money, no amount of possessions, no other experience can equal the benediction and joy that love is.

But sometimes we are our own worst enemy to the very seedling that is love that exists within us just waiting to sprout. Without sun, earth and rain a seed will not sprout and flowers wilt and shrivel. We cling to regret. We cling to resentment. We cling to jealousy. We cling to misery. These are the sentiments that block the sun, stop the rains, and poison the soil. Just as a flower in order to bloom needs sunlight, earth, and rain, we too need love to blossom. Love is the sweet nectar of life that gives us radiance and brings us grace.

Try to imagine a world where it is recognized and understood that all things must be done lovingly. Imagine cooking your meals with love. Imagine doing your job lovingly. Imagine greeting strangers on the street lovingly. Imagine speaking lovingly. And not just occasionally…but always. What a glorious world it would be – and it is within our realm of possibilities to have such a world. All things can be done with love. It may not have occurred to you, but even while in a disagreement you can still disagree lovingly. But now imagine the opposite, a world devoid of loving acts. It would be sheer hell on earth. Humans live somewhere in the middle of the two. Sometime we slip downwards and sometimes we are inspired upwards. But our purpose here on this earth is only to aspire upwards. And once we have reached high enough, we can inspire others upwards too. Our very being inspires through the projection of our radiance. This is a magnificent thought that should be meditated upon.

If we believe in the things we do and say, then love can be the river that flows through us and carries us through the joys and sorrows of life. If for one moment we fail ourselves by not acting in our highest truth, then the river ceases to flow. Living in love does not mean sadness may not visit you from time to time. But love has its own strength that transforms even the most difficult times and helps us endure that which we never knew we had the capacity to go through.

We can have a love affair with life, but only when we drop all bitterness, and consciously choose to live in that light of purity of being. Seek only two things in this life: the understanding of that which is preventing your bliss, and that which is the source of the infinite love within you. Let love be your greatest miracle.