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Johannes speaks “The Language of the Heart” ~


If I may share the words of Johannes/Sevaji on the language of the heart ~

“There are so many magical sounds in life, that touch us and open up the heart. The laughter of a child, the chirping of a bird hidden in the branches of a distant tree, the myriad sounds of nature, the strum of a guitar, the soothing voice of your mother when you were a baby, or the tender whisper of your beloved. The perception of sound truly brings a sweetness to life but while there is so much beauty in the sounds we hear around us, sometimes it is important to turn inward and listen to the voice of the heart. 
You may not have thought about it but the heart speaks its own language and we were born understanding this language. As a baby when you wanted to cry, you cried and didn’t hold back. When you were happy you giggled with joyful abandon. And when your mother held you close to her heart, your heart told you you were content and safe. There was a simple purity to every cry or laugh that came from your innocence and the deep connection with feeling and sensing. 
As you got older expressions of emotion was overshadowed as you learned a new language of words and phrases. This required less feeling and more intellect. As the source of communication moved from heart to head all the authenticity of the expression of your emotions also began to shift from the nature of sensitivity to the sterile process of judgement and assessment. Soon the voice of your heart was but a distant echo, but when it occasionally tried to shout it created conflicts as the mind fought for dominance.
But as the shaman don Juan Matus was quoted as saying in the books of Carlos Castaneda, we must live the path that has heart. Not all paths have heart, that is not all paths give you feeling of contentment, of being exactly where you are supposed to be. Some paths leave you feeling empty, frustrated, drained, and discontent. Don Juan told Castaneda to ask himself constantly this one fundamental question: “Does this path have a heart?” You can adapt this to suit your own situation. For example you could ask “Does this job have a heart?” and feel, really try to feel, what your heart says. Don’t allow the mind to intrude with its thoughts, analysis, criticism, calculations, etc. otherwise you will miss something very subtle.
Meditating and still the mind everyday. Be aware of the mental chatter that arises and be patient. As the internal dialogue subsides listen to your heartbeat. Bring your awareness into its energy and feel. Now you can ask, “Does this path have a heart?” and feel what emerges within. Take note of subtle fluctuations in your breath or heart rate or any kind of energy shift. As you practice this art of sensitivity and listening within, slowly you will remember this silent language. Trusting in your heart brings you closer to living your true purpose, for the language of the heart is the voice of the soul. 

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