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Hundreds of millions infected with dodgy vaccines?

If the allegations of the man who developed the poliomyelitis vaccine programme for a large pharmaceutical company are true, hundreds of millions of people may be doomed. This man was none other than Maurice Hilleman, who developed eight of the fourteen vaccines used in vaccination schedules.

Measles, mumps, rubella, Marek’s disease, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, adenoviruses, and the commercial evolution of vaccines against meningococci and pneumococci were the diseases targeted by the pioneering American microbiologist Dr. Maurice Hilleman.

During his research however, in 1991 he became seriously worried about the levels of mercury being used in one of his vaccines. In an internal memo presented to the head of the vaccine division at Merck, where he worked, he called attention to the DPT, a combination for diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus, claiming that the exposure for a six-month-old was 87 times too high.

Moreover, in his interview in the book The Health Century (later a PBS TV series), he made shocking allegations that Merck had produced and distributed deadly viruses in its vaccines and had infected millions of people worldwide, turning them into time bombs.

In his article on these allegations*, US researcher Terrence Aym claims: “If his allegations are true, hundreds of millions may be doomed to early, painful deaths. The masses that have already been inoculated may be little better than walking dead men and women-zombies going through the motions of life with no knowledge that biological time bombs are slowly ticking away in their tainted, diseased cells”.

Full article here: http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/21-02-2011/116972-dodgy_vaccines-0/


  1. Microbiologist Dr. Maurice Hilleman is a warrior and deserves tremendous praise for sending the internal memo to the head of the vaccine division at Merck where he worked .. seriously worried about the levels of mercury being used in one of his vaccines and the DPT exposure 87 times too high for a 6 month old ~

    Sad and shocking that in his interview in the book The Health Century, Dr. Hilleman made allegations that Merck had produced and distributed deadly viruses in its vaccines and had infected millions of people worldwide, turning them into time bombs! It seems Merck’s vaccine division pays little attention to Dr. Hilleman’s insight, memos and warnings ..

    Also, the studies by the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, and Dr. Michele Carbone of Loyola University concerning the 55,000 cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma which occurred annually had their root in the poliomyelitis vaccine – infected by monkey viruses …equally shocking ~

    Thank you so much, Johannes, for spreading this awareness of these crimes against humanity ~

  2. Yes, thank you Johannes for posting this article on the dangers of vaccinations. There has been much study done on the devastating side affects of vaccinations. Vaccines have been linked with brain damage in children, along with autismn, seizures, and even death associated with the mercury content in the serums. Last summer they banned the swine flu vaccine in Australia after a record number of children were stricken with seizures. It has always been a well-guarded secret as to what has gone into these vaccine, even as the medical community and government push them onto parents quite vigorously. In some states, children have been removed from their parents at gunpoint, vaccinated by court order, then returned to their parents. And, we are supposed to live in a Free country?!?

    Recently, however, there have been many physicians and other medical professionals coming forward with their studies, reports, etc. speaking against vaccinations. The dangers associated with them are astounding.

    But, for as bad as these vaccines are, it gets worse! Just listen to Bill Gates, who is funding further vaccine development:

    “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

    According to his plan, a nano-vaccine will be developed that can be sprayed through air handlers in public places (such as airports) that will bring about a condition of sterility in all whom it hits! If you are interested, you can read the article on this subject (and watch the video with Bill Gates explaining his vaccine theories) at this link:


    If any of you are interested in further reading on the subject of vaccines, here is another article containing a number of links that pertain to vaccinations.


    Also, here is a link for the most recent report on vaccinations issued by the International Medical Council on Vaccinations:


    The report is a free download the I would strongly advise all of you who have children or who have Loved ones who are children to read. Vaccinations are a very serious matter and a dangerous threat to the health, safety, and well-being of our children! For us adults, many of us will have “damage control” to deal with, unfortunately. 🙁 Fortunately, though, the best damage control is the easiest – taking good care of our bodies by living holistically, eating an organic vegetarian diet, meditating, doing yoga, and simply living in Harmony with Mother Earth and each other. 🙂 Blessings to you all!

  3. Some of us may never know what we as children were subjected to in these early vaccination programs, only to possibly suffer the consequences in our adult years. But as children ‘we’ did not have a choice because our parents were fed misconceptions that these vaccines and inoculations were for the good of the child and the masses. I was one of those misinformed and mislead parents as well. Which leads me to my next statement.

    As a very young child my son was extremely intelligent, vivacious, and inquisitive. He walked at 9 months old, completely skipped the crawling stage, and began speech at an earlier than normal stage. At one year old he was reciting a complete childrens story (The Little Red Caboose) . But somewhere along the age of 4 or 5 yrs old I began to hear from Teachers that he had learning disabilities!! I saw it happen before my own eyes. He struggled all through school and I attended endless school and teacher conferences because of his learning difficulties. At the time it never even occurred to me that quite possibly one of those “innoculations” or “vaccinations” might be the culprit for his regression and struggles to learn and concentrate.
    I may never know for sure what caused his learning disabilities, but I am will to bet that possibly it was a consequence of those innoculations that the schools required for enrollment..

    It is so important for parents to stay updated on all the new findings and dangers of modern medicine…many of us now have choices, however i suppose certain ‘laws’ still require parents to innoculate their children.

    Hats off to Joh for bringing this to our attention.

    Blessings ~

  4. Gitana, please do not allow yourself to feel guilt for allowing your son to be vaccinated. The public school systems do not easily allow parents to vary from their “requirements”. They push just about as hard for vaccinations as do county health nurses, physicians, and various other government workers. There are ways out of it. It is actually unconstitutional for a parent to be denied access to public schools for their children when they object for religious or conscientious reasons. The schools don’t tell you that you have an option. And, in some states there are state laws that demand vaccinations. Whether they have been pushed up against the constitutionality of those laws or not, I do not know. It is my Understanding that in those situations where state law calls for these vaccinations, enforcement happens so fast that the parents do not have time to resort to legal measures to protect their children. Once the vaccine has been administered, what can be done to undo it? Nothing. The damage is done.

    It is also interesting to observe that those in favor of vaccines refer to them as “immunizations”, even though they do not provide “immunity” for any said disease, particularly over the long term. Even as adults, we are encouraged to obtain “booster shots” carrying the same dangerous chemical and viral makeup as the original shots had. Take a look at this list excerpted from the Vaccine Report issued by the International Medical Council on vaccinations:

    “Stray viruses and bacteria from the animal cell cultures that vaccines are made in.
    Mercury, a well-documented neurotoxin, is still in the multi-dose flu vaccines throughout the world. Trace amounts remain in several other vaccines.
    Aluminum, a poison that can cause bone, bone marrow and brain degeneration.
    Animal cells from monkeys, dog kidneys, chickens, cows, and humans.
    Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), a known carcinogen.
    Polysorbate 80, known to cause infertility in female mice and testicular atrophy in male mice.
    Gelatin, from pigs and cows, known to cause anaphylactic reactions, is found in large quantities in the MMR, chickenpox and shingles vaccines.
    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) in inhaled flu vaccines, is known to cause metabolic disturbances (e.g. diabetes), seizures and other neurologic disorders. ”

    These ingredients are not only health and/or Life threatening, but down right offensive for some of us. Talk about Genetically Modified Organisms! Perhaps we already are! >:(

  5. Thank you for your insight Mia. I appreciate your words. Thankfully in the present day there are many more options for parents (and rights) then in the past pertaining to this subject. Also, parents are becoming more informed on this subject (such as yourself) as many more studies are done and evidence found that indeed these vaccines may be harmful. Word still needs to spread, and it is up to all of us to continue speaking out, becoming informed of our rights, and writing letters to local and state government officials as well probably the International Medical Council on Vaccinations.

    Thanks again Mia for your insight, and Johannes on bringing this matter to light. 🙂

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