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AYURVEDIC OIL PULLING THERAPY (Kavala Graha or Kavala Gandoosha)


Oil pulling traces is roots back thousands of years to Ayurvedic medicine, which is a system of traditional medicine native to India (ayus = life, veda = science or “the science of life”). Ayurvedic medicine is still a very influential system of medicine in South Asia and is spreading around the world. Oil pulling or oil gargling as we know it today was reintroduced to the world by a Dr. F. Karach, MD. Dr. Karach claimed that oil pulling therapy could cure and help a wide variety of illnesses and disorders. His own personal testimony is that oil pulling therapy cured him of a chronic blood disorder that he had for 15 years and that also within 3 days his arthritis has also been cured. Since then he has used this therapy in his practice with great success.

Oil pulling is very simple. Basically all you do is rinse your mouth out with vegetable oil, much like you would with a mouthwash. As simple as it sounds, if done correctly it has a very powerful cleansing and healing effect not only on the mouth and sinuses, but the entire body.  Learn more about it’s amazing detoxifying effects & healing benefits.

To our inner & outer purity!

Love & Light,

Maria Elena


  1. Hola Maria Elena! Wonderful post! I have actually practiced Kavala Gandoosha on the recommendation of an Indian friend of mine. The only difference was that I used Sesame oil instead of Vegetable oil. Even though during the pulling you are not supposed to swallow the oil, I personally like the idea of using the Sesame oil. 🙂

    From Natural News > Sesame oil is a good source of vitamin E. Among six edible plant oils tested, sesame oil had the highest antioxidant content. The antioxidants present in it are mainly sesamol, sesamin, and sesamolin. Sesamin has been found to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol as well as limiting cholesterol production in the liver. It reduces the formation of fat cells and acts to lower blood pressure. Sesame oil is said to generally fortify the constitution during recuperation from severe or prolonged illness.

    As with most plant based condiments, sesame oil contains magnesium, copper, calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin B6. Copper provides support for the nerves which regulate heart beat and provides relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Magnesium supports muscle, blood vessel, and respiratory health. Calcium helps prevent colon cancer, osteoporosis, migraine and PMS. Zinc promotes bone health.

    Sesame seed oil helps joints keep their flexibility. Also has multiple uses in skin care, keeping the skin soft and supple and firms & tightens the skin.

    I commend you on your cleansing. I know it may be a difficult task, but well worth the results!!! Good for you my friend. 🙂 Thanks again for sharing this with all of us. Please continue to keep us posted on your journey. And Yes…I’m sure you will reward yourself with many treats (healthy ones) after your cleansing. Chocolate shake!!! 🙂

  2. Wow, Maria! I had never heard of this technique, so I will have to learn more about it. We all can use all the detox assistance we can these days!

    I have also heard that sesame seed oil is good to use. However, I would offer a word of caution with the use of zinc, though. Zinc feeds the adrenal glands. The adrenals produce testosterone. When women intake too much zinc, they start growing beards and moustaches! :O A little zinc goes a long way………………………:)

    I wish you well with your cleansing! 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for the above information regarding the benefits of Sesame Oil. As of today, i’m starting to enjoy its benefits.

    Mia, thank you for the information on Zinc. I will use with caution, perhaps alternating between Sesame Oil & Coconut Oil. I had been using coconut oil for the past days, which I enjoyed using for it’s delicious taste that stays in the palate 🙂

    Looking forward to the treats after this cleansing is over, no doubt. 😀



  4. Great article! I never heard of this before but it appears to have so many health benefits for such a simple and inexpensive technique.

  5. Ayurvedic medicine (also called Ayurveda) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India and has evolved there over thousands of years. In the United States, Ayurvedic medicine is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)—more specifically, a CAM whole medical system. Many therapies used in Ayurvedic medicine are also used on their own as CAM—for example, herbs, massage, and specialized diets. This fact sheet provides a general overview of Ayurvedic medicine and suggests sources for additional information.,’;.

    My current website

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