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A beautiful mind – Johannes ~ Sevaji ~ Hippie Guru Maharaj

Here are Johannes/Sevaji’s words on the musci of life ~ So beautiful ~

“The Music of Life

What a blessing music has been to me. When I was a child I was fascinated that by stringing together a few notes the sound produced could either make no sense or could touch my heart. What was is that made the notes melodious and soul stirring? What was the secret behind this? These question lead to a deep inquiry within me, almost like a religious person’s journey to find god.

I never set out to find god; I only set out to know my self, to understand what things bring me joy and peace, and what things bring me closer to know my heart and to know my soul. Many beautiful mistakes were made along the way, each a new discovery in itself, just like a child who begins to learn to play the piano or guitar. First there will be many bad notes played and perhaps a poor sense of rhythm, but with time the notes begin to flow with rhythm and, if the commitment and dedication is there, the novice grows into an apprentice and eventually into a master.

Composing music lead me to go deep within, to spend many hours in solitude. In my silence I discovered that the current of creativity that I once thought was “me” is not me. For as the inward journey continued I discovered that this current is everyone and everything and everywhere.

The universe is a divine orchestra of which humans play a part, along with the birds, the trees, the ocean waves, the moon, the sun, the planets, the galaxy…The greatest discovery was that the more I surrender this concept of “me” the more the unending gift of the divine flows into me. The cosmos is an unexhaustible symphony of sounds, colors, lights, and vibrations all dancing a sacred dance. Once you learn the steps the dance is easy…

Be blessed,

Johannes ~ Sevaji ~ Hippie Guru Maharaj”

One Comment:

  1. WOW – amazing words from a personal perspective by Seva…..the “art of creativity” –

    As an artist since i was young (i was always into drawing and playing w/ clay when i was in grade school) — and now as a musician & composer, i can relate to much of what Seva shares….I would used to continuously self-doubt what creations came out, “is it good?” — over time, as i began to learn about myself and my place in the sacred cosmos….i learned that the creativity comes from a place deeper than oneself….At best, i feel as if im simply presenting the creation to the best of my ability, and bringing it to reality….the art, the music…is not coming totally from me…..Each and every day, we are created anew….nature is created every day….the magical and miraculous wonder of nature and life, the Universe at large is constantly being created ~ drawing inspiration from what emotions we feel….”look at a flower, look at the sky” –

    the art is always there…one does not need to search for it….just allow it to come into being….the magic of it – dont force it – let go…..surrender, and you will find, that there is an endless supply of creativity in my forms and expressions….. As Seva says, “once you learn the steps, the dance is easy”

    Thanks for sharing this deep insightful message from our hippie guru! 😉

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