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Truth has no name

Truth has no ideology, no dogma, it is not dependent on you or your beliefs. Nor is it the exclusive possession of one or any religion. Truth just is. When we try to confine truth to a specific dogma, say to a religion, the vastness and universality of truth is degraded and pigeon holed, reduced from its infinite scope to the microscopic view of one’s interpretation, viewed from within the box of the limited perspective of the human mind. Truth then is interpreted from the perspective of the Christian mind, the Hindu mind, the Muslim mind, the Jewish mind, the Agnostic mind, the Communist mind, the Fascist mind, the Conservative mind, the rebellious mind, the infantile mind, the intellectual mind, the pot-smoker mind, the alcoholic mind, the lover’s mind, the hater’s mind, the businessman mind, the beggar’s mind, the jealous mind, the angry mind, and so on. So many minds! So many opinions of what truth is! Again, truth is NOT dependent on you. It is not an opinion. When you take “you” out of the equation – that is, the mind that has been colored by society, education, parents, religion – truth remains. Truthwas before you and will remain after your body has disappeared.

But what does this have to do with life? Life IS truth. It is the opportunity to experience truth. When we live in truth we live in harmony with existence.

The world when perceived through the mind is nothing more than comparisons, opinions, and labels. You see a flower, but do you experience the flower? No, you “see” the flower and the mind creates a barrier and says “This is a rose. It is red. It is a lovely rose. I like it.” This is how primitive the mind is! The scientific mind will even dissect the flower all the way down to its DNA. Even the poet who uses eloquent prose to describe the rose is still helpless to capture its beauty, its essence. The beuty of poetry is that it can be used as a device to move you out of the mind and closer to the heart. The heart of a poet is closer to God than the mind of the scientist. Even the word God is a poetic device to capture something indescribable.

You may have experienced moments where looking upon a magnificent vista you are overwhelmed and no words can describe the feeling. Or those sacred moments when in the arms of your beloved time stands still. THIS is truth. This is existential. This is the surrender of the mind to the heart. This is experiencing the truth and benediction of reality: that wonder surrounds us everywhere. And this is why the greatest wonder of all – LOVE – can never be described.




  1. WOWZA!!! — many thanks Seva for sharing this beautiful and “truthful” look into what is “Truth” ~ as you mention, for many….truth means different things, different opinions for different people ~ in our minds ~

    But truth is just what it is….pure and simple….and elegant ~ and over the course of my life…i have experienced such powerful moments of ineffability that are forever etched….so hard to describe – while watching something as simple as the sunset…..or a full moon in the winter months in the wee hours of night, with the stars twinkling ever so brightly – (esp when there’s snow on the ground) – At times the pure sheer beauty and simple elegance of these priceless moments….move me so much that it brings tears of pure joy to my eyes and heart ~ I can only close my eyes and hold my hand over my heart…and say “thank you” ~ for this moment……

    Those rare precious moments….when everything seems so “Crystalline”, i would best describe the feeling — i feel it in such a deep level….as coming from the realm of the heart ~ and everything becomes “Love” ~ there’s no other way to say it ~ i can only surrender to the moment – in deep silent gratitude ~ no words need to be spoken…..

    It reminds one to treasure these precious moments — for that exact same moment can never be replicated the same ever again ~

  2. This is absolutely beautiful Seva… and it is true that ‘truth’ is what all creation is based upon.
    I especially identify with your thoughts on poetry. I have always struggled to capture what cannot be captured with words. The following are my thoughts on ‘poets’ and poetry. —

    A Poet writes to quell the thoughts within their own mind and to attempt to fill the void within their own universe. To ‘capture’ the known and unknown that stirs within them, and the sentiment that moves them to tears and shakes them with joy.

    Poetry is a futile but honorable attempt to paint what God has created using mere words to describe the indescribable. It is an infinite glimpse of the universe within the poet’s soul and the unfathomable truth and unquenchable love that nourishes them.

    Thank you for ‘Truth Has No Name’, and a glimpse of the truth that moved you to write it. <3

    Infinite blessings…


  3. Such an eloquent and deeply felt journey into the most essential questions of existence – “What is Truth” ~ Dear Sevara, once again I am taken in by the beauty of your universal perspective of the human spirit ~

    “When we live in truth we live in harmony with existence.” Our society and world is so complicated with so many “opinions” of what the truth is and you give us great examples of where these opinions originate ~ These opinions set-up the conditions for conflict and war … just the opposite from harmony .. so how can these opinions possibly be “truths” for they lead us farther away from love and harmony ~

    How remarkable, Seva, that you can put into words a seemingly complex question and make us see that the answers are in simplicity and effortless ~ When we can strip away all the dogma, labels and drama .. then I can see this as the beginning to finding, feeling and connecting to the true purity of universal truth, peace, harmony and love ~

    The next time I take in the beauty of the rose, feel its velvet pedal on my face as I smell its sweet fragrance .. I will think of your beautiful and enlightening words of “truth” ~

    ~ Divinely ~ Coralina ~

  4. Johannes/Sevara…Your blog ‘Truth Has No Name’, has made a tremendous impact on me. (has made for some intense soul-searching). This is good. Further reflection has inspired me to add some additional thoughts about poets, and poetry…and about how this impacts my writing. My humble and further attempt to provide some insight into what inspires me to write. —

    With each piece of poetry, a poet undertakes a personal journey to the midst of their soul, where divine inspiration dwells. A deeply spiritual experience rooted in love’s divine essence. It is then that this inspiration blossoms outward in appreciation of all the external elements of life and of all creation. But, even then the poet fails to describe God’s perfection. Yet, in the heart of the poet exists a constant yearning, with continuous journeys to the soul, to attempt to describe the indescribable. Perhaps this is why as you stated, “the heart of a poet is closer to God than a scientist”.

    From this inexplicable yearning to describe perfection — poetry is born.

    Thank you again for providing much inspiration with your thought-provoking blog, and for allowing us the opportunity to comment.



  5. Well spoken, Sevara! “Truth has no name”…………This reminds me of Lao Tzu and the Tao Te Ching. Whether we call it Truth, Love, or the Tao, it is still that which cannot be named, for it is beyond the confines of mere words! Truth is synonymous with Love. They are but one view of the ever pervading Essence of Life. You are so right in saying “Truth IS Life”! Life without Truth is but Illusion.

    Truth is of the Heart. The mind is filled with the shadows and Illusions of one’s experiences, judgments, Karma, and akashic records. But, in looking for Truth in the Heart in all our actions, we train the mind to follow the infinite wisdom of the Heart and the Light of Truth that is ever there to Illumine the way for us.

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts, Sevara. Or, perhaps it is appropriate to say thank you for sharing these Truths of Truth! 🙂 Either way, your words are inspiring, uplifting, eye-opening, and hopefully will show the way for others to find the Truths of their own Hearts, which is poetry to the Soul.

    Thank you also to Yannaki, Irma, and Coralina for such wonderful comments! We all grow a little when we share our Truths with each other!

    I wish each of you the greatest blessings of the gift of Truth!

  6. This blog has moved me inside to think about the intricasies of the connection between the heart , the mind,soul,& spirit. One w/o the other does not nor cannot reach its full capacity to love.the human body w/o one of these aspects would cease to be. For the heart w/o the mind, indulges…the mind w/o the heart cannot dream…The spirit and soul cannot be known w/o the heart and mind.I am in awe of the utter vastness and infinite , the mind can perform when completely surrendered to the heart.Such a beautiful subject to ponder this lovely spring day…Many thanks to all …and Sevara for your awesome and infinitely stimulating thoughts…..

  7. Wonderful comment, Simacha! It is nice to see you here! 🙂

    For those who like crystals and gemstones, we have an added help in keeping ourselves focused on living our Truth. That help is one given from Mother Earth in the form of obsidian (black, sheen, or rainbow). Obsidian is known as the Truth stone. To meditate with it helps us to see our own Truths. We can also hold in in our hands or place it on our desks to keep our conversations within the element of Truth. There are some who sleep with obsidian beside their beds in order to more deeply harmonize with Truth.

    I have a sheen obsidian egg who has been a very dear friend and meditation partner for many years. I cannot begin to say how many ways this incredible being of Light has helped me in my Journey of Life.

    Life’s great blessings come in many forms. Mother Earth showers us with her Abundance and Support in many ways. In this case, I am ever grateful for her gift of obsidian. 🙂

  8. Mia, my friend,…you’re so right, we all do grow a little when we share our truths with each other. DE is a place of unity and beauty and although we are all scattered in different cities in the U.S. and Canada, it’s nice to know that we can all come together on Divine Earth and share love, peace, compassion…and all the same voice our concerns, thoughts, and insight about so many different topics. Simchah…enjoyed reading your comment! Mia…obsidian is one stone I’ve yet to acquire, that obsidian egg sounds like a real treasure. Thanks for sharing that with us.
    From the heart…Love you all!

  9. The last paragraph is simply breath-taking. “And this is why the greatest wonder of all – LOVE – can never be described”

    Sat Nam!

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