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  • admin wrote a new post on the site 9 years, 7 months ago

    ThumbnailBy Steven Bancarz January 15, 2015
    Martin Pistorious was just 12 years old when the doctors diagnosed him with what they believed was Cryptococci Meningitis, a sever fungal infection of the brain. This news […]

    • “This story should completely changed the way we see mentally disabled individuals. Their minds are alert and receptive, their souls are alive, and their hearts are sensitive.” Thank you Johannes for this story and important insight – a great example of how strong the soul and awareness live on inside many people .. even when they have lost the ability to express themselves fully ~

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 9 years, 8 months ago

    ThumbnailMeet the world’s happiest man, Mattieu Ricard. Ricard is a 66 year old Tibetan monk and geneticist, who has displayed unheard of brain gamma waves. These gamma waves are intertwined with attention, learning, […]

    • Thank you for sharing this article, Johannes/Sevaji, which is on a topic I have been fascinated by and reading more about in recent years ~ I think the study of the brain is key in understanding the power of meditation and shows how science and spirituality go hand in hand ~ As in the study of the monk’s brain activity – similar studies of the right and left brain show how people can focus on certain parts and functions of the brain … resulting in many of the benefits of deep meditation ~ How great if one can learn to turn off the distractions of a chattering mind, painful past memories and worries of the future – so one can experience the bliss and peace found in the present moment – even if only for a few hours or minutes a day in meditation 🙂

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 9 years, 9 months ago

    ThumbnailThe Chinese have put out billboard ads announcing the Renminbi as the New World Currency
    March 4, 2015
    Bangkok, Thailand

    When I arrived to Bangkok the other day, coming down the motorway from the airport I […]

    • The move of China making its currency – the renminbi available to the world IS very significant – thank you for this article Johannes ~ Some economist say China might surpass America’s GDP in 10 years even though, as the article points out, it has slowed down in the short term ~ So the introduction of China’s currency on the world market competing with the Dollar and Euro could have a HUGE impact on the world wide financial systems and power structure in the years to come ~~~

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 1 month ago

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 1 month ago

    • As former governor and navy seal – Jesse Ventura’s questions of something going down is worth looking into ~~

  • yannaki wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 5 months ago

    Earth Is On The Cusp Of A Sixth Mass Extinction

    By Lauren F Friedman July 25, 2014 6:05 PM

    Adam Cohn / Flickr
    Approximately 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs went extinct,  75% of […]

    • Humans have already created so many problems and so much destruction on this planet, for himself, the animals and the earth herself. It’s not enough to have just a few enlightened beings in this world, we need to attain a level of global enlightenment if we want things to change and improve.

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 5 months ago

    Andres Amador is no ordinary artist. He neither draws or paints. He doesn’t sculpt. Instead of a white canvas, he uses nature, namely the beach. Instead of a brush, he uses a rake. Andres creates artworks that are larger than 100,000 square feet. He spends countless hours on his pieces even though he knows that the tide will soon wash it away…














    Full story and more pics here: http://sftimes.co/?id=25&src=share_fb_new_25

  • admin wrote a new post on the site Sevaji 10 years, 6 months ago

    ThumbnailFor many the mind is a cacophony of noise
    For others the mind is a complicated symphony
    For few the mind it is a strummed guitar
    For the enlightened, the mind is a hollow bamboo flute
    In the cacophony the […]

  • yannaki wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 6 months ago

    Here’s a little something special I felt like sharing as it carries a message that must be heard by the world…

    The latest single from one of my favorite Sicilian musical groups, “Agricantus” – a group based from Palermo, Sicily that performs modern Sicilian music with World/Ethnic rhythms, including a strong North African influence that is well preserved in Sicily’s unique culture (especially in the West coast, which has a large North African [Tunisian] minority)

    The song is entitled, “Nsunnai”, which means “I Dreamt” in the Sicilian language…and the song shares an inspirational story: about the burning desire for world peace and being free from the wrongful injustices and cruelties of humanity…a deep and powerfully inspirational song that speaks volumes – about the human condition. – *lyrics are translated below* –

    Words from one of the band members:
    “This is “Nsunnai”, last single published in spring, 2014 march 21. Dedicated to our dream for which we fight every day in the hope that they can achieve.” –

    Agricantus” – is a group that is comprised of musicians hailing from all places in the world and a project spanning across many years…promoting a message of love, world peace and humanity –





    Mani nuri
    mani nuri nsunnai
    mani nuri pi canziarimi ‘i guai
    mani nuri
    mani nuri nsunnai
    pi fari li cosi p’un fari chjanciri mai

    Peri nuri
    peri nuri nsunnai
    peri nuri pi ju curriri assai
    peri nuri
    peri nuri nsunnai
    pi ghiri luntanu e nun firmarimi mai


    Mi nsunnai ri stari n paci
    ‘mmenzu a omini ca nun ghjettanu vuci
    mi nsunnai a taci e maci
    runni nuddu veni cchjù misu n cruci
    e tuttu chistu mi ccunta
    com’u rumani sara

    R’ntra u sonnu veni ‘i stari
    ca vivennu ‘a virità
    funnu niuvuru a tuccari
    sulu ‘a sorti pi campa’
    si mi chiamanu cumpari
    ma ‘u cutieddu m’azziccaru
    sunnu genti ‘i malaffari
    c’u surrisu marinaru
    nascivi cu picca xelu
    ‘mmenzu a quarteri ‘i xittà
    agghjuttuti r’u ximentu
    rina, asfaittu, favusità
    mi custrincinu a ammuttari
    aria e fumu ch’i vastuni
    mentri ‘u munnu sta a firriari
    nenti c’è ca mi ‘nni veni


    English translation

    “I DREAMT”

    Bare hands, I dreamt of bare hands.
    Bare hands to keep me far from trouble.
    Bare hands, I dreamt of bare hands
    to get things done, never to make anyone cry.

    Bare feet, I dreamt of bare feet.
    Bare feet for running far.
    Bare feet, I dreamt of bare feet
    to travel far and never return.


    I dreamt of living in peace
    in the midst of men who never cry out.
    I dreamt privately,
    of a place where no one is ever crucified,
    and all of this speaks to me
    of what tomorrow brings.

    I want to stay in this dream,
    because in the real world
    the deepest black is always within reach
    and I am left with only good fortune to survive.
    He who calls me best friend
    and then stabs me in the back
    is a dishonest person
    wearing an ambiguous smile.
    I was born without seeing much of the sky,
    in the quarters of the city
    swallowed by concrete,
    sand, asphalt, deceitfulness.
    They force me to push away
    air and smoke with my cane,
    as the world continues to turn
    and nothing comes to me.


    • Interesting Northern African influence – Wikipedia says of the music of Sicily also includes the following – “Sicily’s historical connections lie not primarily with mainland Italy, but with the ancient Greeks and Spanish cultures, with later Arabic influences. The result has been a diverse and unique fusion of musical elements on the island.” Thanks Yannaki for sharing this beautiful song!

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 7 months ago

    Expose on False Flag Tactics by US Government, NATO and Governments Worldwide

    • This video brings many questions to seek the truth in our government ~ False flag tactics should be held accountable here and in any government that participates in such activities world wide .. so may the global community seek and question for a better world ~

      May we recognize the true patriot, not the sheep, is one that seeks truth for the good of people ~

      Buddha said Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.

      So to question is to seek ~ and in seeking truth.. may enlightenment for the good of the many prevail ~

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 8 months ago

    Everlasting Joy

    Many of you have been asking when would Sevaji have this music available. Well, now it is finally available for download!

    Track Listing:
    1. Longtime Sun (Farewell Blessing) 2. Beautiful 3. Love Becomes Her 4. Everlasting Joy 5. Adi Shakti Namo Namo 6. Healer’s Trance 7. Ra Ma Da Sa 8. Morning Salutation 9. Ong Namo.

    Available here:  http://divineearth.org/main/downloads/



  • yannaki wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 8 months ago

    “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”

    By JC Sevcik   |   April 16, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    The American Flag seen behind a sign for Wall Street near the New York Stock Exchange. UPI/John Angelillo
    | License Photo

    WASHINGTON, April 16 (UPI) — Oligarchy is a form of government in which power is vested in a dominant class and a small group exercises control over the general population.A new study from Princeton and Northwestern Universities concluded that the U.S. government represents not the interests of the majority of citizens but those of the rich and powerful.

    “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens” analyzed extensive data, comparing nearly 1,800 U.S. policies enacted between 1981 and 2002 with the expressed preferences of average and affluent Americans as well as special interest groups.

    The resulting data empirically verifies that U.S. policies are determined by the economic elite.

    “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,” says the peer-reviewed study.

    The 42-page study analyzes U.S. politics through the framework of four major theoretical traditions — Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic Elite Domination, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism — concluding that U.S. political policies rarely align with the majority of citizens.

    What do our findings say about democracy in America? They certainly constitute troubling news for advocates of “populistic” democracy, who want governments to respond primarily or exclusively to the policy preferences of their citizens. In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule — at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcomes. When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the U.S. political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it.

    The report consoles that “Americans do enjoy many features
    central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and association” but goes on to warn that “we believe that if policymaking is dominated
    by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America’s claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened.”

    Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2014/04/16/The-US-is-not-a-democracy-but-an-oligarchy-study-concludes/2761397680051/#ixzz2zDse9tIq

    • It’s a sad state of affairs for Americans. Citizens when they unite for a common goal or purpose have power to change the direction of the government. However, the citizenry is fragmented and divided, and will thus remain essentially impotent and voiceless, until they come together under one banner for peace and justice for all.

    • It is sad that the profits of large corporations, for example, appear to have more influence on our lawmakers than the well being of the majority of its citizens ~ For example it is disheartening that the U.S. has not yet banned GMO food products yet Europe has banned GMO foods because of the harmful and dangerous effects GMO foods have on our health ~ Studies show that many of the major U.S. food companies/corporations hide GMO ingredients in their popular food products ~ Some of these products use words like “healthy” in their labels ~ Government/our lawmakers can do so much more to protect the majority in this case rather than protecting the interest of the few(the corporations)~

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 9 months ago

    90 year old Charlotte Gerson recovers from hip fracture using organic juicing therapy pioneered by her father.

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 11 months ago


    On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally  notified the President of the United States that information developed by the  Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz [German domestic […]

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 10 years, 11 months ago

    Despite the daunting title, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” is a very inspirational documentary on the journey of Joe Cross from Australia as he goes on a juice fast for 60 days. The results are amazing!

    Watch it […]

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years ago

    A short but compelling video describing how the radiation in the area known as the Van Allen Radiation Belts make it impossible for a human to pass through.

  • admin wrote a new post on the site 11 years, 2 months ago

    An interesting video about the discovery of an Atlantean crystal in a buried pyramid beneathe the ocean floor but partially uncovered after a storm shifted the sand of the seabed floor. It looks like Edgar Cayce was right about Atlantis being near Bimini in the Caribbean.

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