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Crossing stars

Though stars may appear crossed now, the heavenly bodies are forever changing. Attuned to the heavens as birds are to the season, man can learn to flow with the subtle movements of cosmic energy. This flow is always in harmony with love.

Be aware of the changes in your body, in your consciousness, in the seasons, in nature, and never see existence as finite or stagnant. Life and all circumstances move, sometimes in small increments, but also in evolutionary leaps. To many, changes are imperceptible. To those who are aware, they can become active participants in the evolution. Any action that is witnessed with awareness becomes an opportunity for expanded understanding.

To know the self is to know existence. But all that can really be known is that the self is an unending mystery. So too is the universe. The mystery is not be be understood as a scientist seeks to understand matter and objects; the mystery is only to be experienced.

As the heavenly bodies influence us, for better or worse, we can only experience the vastness of its infinity in the short time we have on this planet. Acting in accord, the master rejoices. Acting in discord, the fool laments.


  1. This is how you make me feel, Sevara, through your words, radiance and heart ~

    The Child Angel

    by Rabindranath Tagore

    “Let your life come amongst them like a flame of light, my child, unflickering and pure, and delight them into silence.”
    “Come and take your seat in the bosom of the limitless, my child. At sunrise open and raise your heart like a blossoming flower, and at sunset bend your head and in silence complete the worship of the day.”

    Life is an unending mystery ~ May we let the flow of the universe embrace our souls with the mysterious – and the stars lighting our paths ~

    With love ~ Coralina ~

  2. Beautiful Wisdom, eloquent …

  3. Both the self and the universe are unending mysteries indeed…may we all be blessed with the courage and awareness to seek for answers, to embrace the unknown, and to make our journey here on earth a worthwhile endeavour.

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