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Drones coming soon to your neighborhood – Privacy concerns ~

Use of drones have been approved by law for future commercial use – So Amazon and others are waiting for approval to fly your packages to your front door by drones ~ Also, real estate use of drones to view properties for sale & many other commercial interests will soon fill our airways & neighborhoods with tiny drones ~ However no privacy guidelines have yet been …

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A Man Uses A Rake On The Beach

Andres Amador is no ordinary artist. He neither draws or paints. He doesn’t sculpt. Instead of a white canvas, he uses nature, namely the beach. Instead of a brush, he uses a rake. Andres creates artworks that are larger than 100,000 square feet. He spends countless hours on his pieces …

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Agricantus – “NSUNNAI” (Music Video)

Here’s a little something special I felt like sharing as it carries a message that must be heard by the world…

The latest single from one of my favorite Sicilian musical groups, “Agricantus” – a group based from Palermo, Sicily that performs modern Sicilian music with World/Ethnic rhythms, including a strong North African influence that is well preserved in Sicily’s unique culture (especially in the West coast, which has a large North African [Tunisian] minority)

The song is entitled, “Nsunnai”, which means “I Dreamt” in the Sicilian language…and the song shares an inspirational story: about the burning desire for world peace and being free from the wrongful injustices and cruelties of humanity…a deep and powerfully inspirational song that speaks volumes – about the human condition. – *lyrics are translated below* –

Words from one of the band members:
“This is “Nsunnai”, last single published in spring, 2014 march 21. Dedicated to our dream for which we fight every day in the hope that they can achieve.” –

Agricantus” – is a group that is comprised of musicians hailing from all places in the world and a project spanning across many years…promoting a message of love, world peace and humanity –





Mani nuri
mani nuri nsunnai
mani nuri pi canziarimi ‘i guai
mani nuri
mani nuri nsunnai
pi fari li cosi p’un fari chjanciri mai

Peri nuri
peri nuri nsunnai
peri nuri pi ju curriri assai
peri nuri
peri nuri nsunnai
pi ghiri luntanu e nun firmarimi mai


Mi nsunnai ri stari n paci
‘mmenzu a omini ca nun ghjettanu vuci
mi nsunnai a taci e maci
runni nuddu veni cchjù misu n cruci
e tuttu chistu mi ccunta
com’u rumani sara

R’ntra u sonnu veni ‘i stari
ca vivennu ‘a virità
funnu niuvuru a tuccari
sulu ‘a sorti pi campa’
si mi chiamanu cumpari
ma ‘u cutieddu m’azziccaru
sunnu genti ‘i malaffari
c’u surrisu marinaru
nascivi cu picca xelu
‘mmenzu a quarteri ‘i xittà
agghjuttuti r’u ximentu
rina, asfaittu, favusità
mi custrincinu a ammuttari
aria e fumu ch’i vastuni
mentri ‘u munnu sta a firriari
nenti c’è ca mi ‘nni veni


English translation


Bare hands, I dreamt of bare hands.
Bare hands to keep me far from trouble.
Bare hands, I dreamt of bare hands
to get things done, never to make anyone cry.

Bare feet, I dreamt of bare feet.
Bare feet for running far.
Bare feet, I dreamt of bare feet
to travel far and never return.


I dreamt of living in peace
in the midst of men who never cry out.
I dreamt privately,
of a place where no one is ever crucified,
and all of this speaks to me
of what tomorrow brings.

I want to stay in this dream,
because in the real world
the deepest black is always within reach
and I am left with only good fortune to survive.
He who calls me best friend
and then stabs me in the back
is a dishonest person
wearing an ambiguous smile.
I was born without seeing much of the sky,
in the quarters of the city
swallowed by concrete,
sand, asphalt, deceitfulness.
They force me to push away
air and smoke with my cane,
as the world continues to turn
and nothing comes to me.
