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Ocean life amidst the oil spill

As the oil continues to spread and devastate the myriad sea creatures and their habitat, an uncertain phenomena will occur. The natural balance which has existed relatively unchanged for thousands of years is now suddenly being threatened.

As the oil drifts and spreads on the surface of the sea over millions of square kilometers, the process of photosynthesis will be affected on all that exists below the ocean’s surface. As a result only a certain spectrum of light will filter through the “lens” of the oil. This means that more resilient vegetation will survive and thrive while other forms will succumb and possibly die out.

The same process will occur with the fish and other sea life, as not only will they be affected by the oil itself, but also from the changes in the amount and quality of sunlight they receive. As humans we understand that we require sunlight to absorb vitamin D. Life in the ocean functions the same way.

The creatures that are resilient will survive while others may face extinction. We may not see the direct affects of this for many years, but certainly we are in for big and uncertain changes

The shadow cast by the dense oil sitting on the waters’ surface is certain to change the ocean temperature. What will it mean if the ocean temperature changes? Will have a residual affect on the upper atmosphere? Will there be more rain, less rain, more clouds, less clouds, etc? We rely on the fragile balance of nature to remain in an acceptable range for human life to exist. As each of the Earth’s diverse ecosystems are linked to each other, destruction to one aspect inevitably leads to the destruction of another.

~ Sevaji

Below are some links provide by Albert Blok, Clinical Research Coordinator at American Educational Research Association.

A good resource that covers the oil spill:

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and its Aftermath:

Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico | Smithsonian Ocean Portal:


  1. Dear Sevara ~ Your words painted with such eloquence and very powerful truths and imagery – At the same time reveal the tremendous wound and ripple effect the gulf oil spill has and will have for countless years and decades to come ~

    No other animal on earth can create such devastation as man/woman-kind ~

    Truly a time for raising of consciousness and awareness to the delicate balance of life~

    With profound gratitude, Sevara, to your contributions and love for our planet and all those who call planet earth …home ~

    Bless all the precious creatures of Mother Earth ~ Love ~ Coralina ~

  2. Fellow Divine Earthers…Our thoughts, prayers, and blessings are enormously helpful, however I am listing other ways we can help, whether it’s volunteering to actively participate in the rehab of wildlife washing up on shore, volunteering to be eyes and ears in the disaster zone, or simply to donate money.
    Here are 2 organizations and websites that we can go to that are currently accepting volunteers or donations to help with this crisis.

    National Wildlife Federation – http://www.nwf.org
    You can become involved in the oil spill cleanup or help wildlife in distress by signing up on the National Wildlife Federation’s website. The organization and other partners created a volunteer wildlife surveillance network to help track the effects of the spill.
    If you can’t volunteer, there are opportunities to donate to help the animals impacted by the spill.

    Deep Water Horizon Response – http://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com
    You can help with the oil cleanup in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama by going to the Deep Water Horizon Response website. You can volunteer to help fight the oil that has reached land or help save the wildlife.

    Sadly, even with all our efforts, we can’t change or reverse the devastating impact this oil spill will have globally to; earth, people, vegetation and wildlife. As our dear and compassionate Sevara stated…we will be seeing many changes, some immediate, and others will occur as part of a chain, beginning with the death of wildlife and vegetation, and including the eventual meteorlogical effects, which in turn will affect land, food supply, and people.


  3. Fellow Divine Earthers…I’m certain our thoughts, prayers, and blessings are enormously helpful, however I am listing 2 organizations where we can actively provide additional help for those of us that are able, whether it’s volunteering to participate in the rehab of wildlife washing up on shore, volunteering to be eyes and ears in the disaster zone, or simply to donate money.
    Here are their websites, they are currently accepting volunteers or donations to help with this crisis; National Wildlife Federation – http://www.nwf.org and Deep Water Horizon Response – http://www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com

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