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An interesting concept of “living in the now-now” – LOL!!


~ Now here’s an interesting concept of “living in the now-now” — ROFL!!! ~ from one of my all-time favorite movies of my golden times…..Mel Brook’s spoof of “Star Wars” — “Spaceballs” ~ this movie cracks me up everytime! (i’ve never seen a movie break down the “fourth wall” in such a way) ~ Enjoy!!! (a good laugh or two)



  1. This is a fun way, Yannaki, to think about the different dimensions we live in! ~ Living in the here and “now” can be confusing when we are still thinking of the “then” that just past and at the same time looking forward to the “when” that will happen soon! ~
    Wow ~~

  2. Hehee! — it sure can be as u say Coralinni!! ~ that confusion can lead to the levels of anxiety we all experience from time to time (i just had that last nite and this morning….lots of things happening in such a short time to process – whew!) — but as my mamma said, just relax and reflect on the past….look forward to the future – but remain in the “present” ~ that alone, takes away soooo much tension!! 🙂

    ~ like this beautiful plaque i saw over a door at one of my therapist’s locations: “ponder on yesterday, look forward to tomorrow, live the present” ~ something like thjat….i forgot the exact saying..DuuH! 😛

    — but anyways — thought i’d share this clip of the goofy movie for some laughs! ~ (the rest of the movie has some real hilarious parts! — too much to put on there….plus a little bit naughty too hehe ~)

    Blessings ~

  3. Hey Yannaki! Hmmmm…….very interesting!!! 😀 ha-ha!!

    Here’s a little quote from Archangel Uriel that might apply to this topic:

    “Love that which you are. Embrace that which you shall be.”


  4. Gotta love Rick Moranis…and Mel Brooks, what a funny guy.

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