Choosing Your Path

We often hear about people trying to find their path’s in life, whether it be simple life choices like occupations, what courses to study, whether to get married, and so on. We also hear about people who are trying to find their path in terms of religion or spirituality. Life would be so much easier if the choices were obvious, but they aren’t. Nowadays we live in a world full of choices, full of opportunities,. For our ancestors of just a few generations before, the choices we have today were much less available. If you were born into a family of a certain class, chances are you would remain in that class. Your occupation would largely be decided by your parents. And getting married and having a family was a given.

Today so many of the past’s cultural expectations have been eradicated and so many opportunities are open to us. However, with too many choices confusion often arises. Which way to turn? Where to go? What is the best decision to make? If we cannot make a clear decision we inevitably feel divided, confused, and stagnant. Thus, I say, any decision is better than no decision. If you make a good decision you will be benefited. If you make a bad decision you will learn a valuable lesson. In making no decision you simply flounder as the seconds of your life tick away.

We have all heard the phrase “look before you leap”. This is a very cautious way to live live, and to live cautiously is to not really live at all. Of course, there is caution founded on common sense, but this is not the kind I refer to. The caution I refer to is the kind founded on insecurity and illogical phobias. These kinds of cautions are anti-life, anti-joy, and prevent you from growing as a human being. Can you imagine a child never riding a bike for fear that he may fall? If he rides the bike, guarantee he will fall one day. But a valuable lesson will be learned: how not to fall again.

Caution makes you second guess yourself. Caution makes you not take chances. Caution keeps you from experiencing the mysterious and the unknown. And caution holds you back from making valuable mistakes. I say if you really want to experience life, then do not look before you leap. Jump into life with both feet, do not just dip your toe in to test the water. Dive in and see wherever the current takes you. Otherwise you will be standing on the shore debating “Should I? Shouldn’t I?” while the river of life passes you by. Whenever these two questions arise, always take the “should” for that is where the secrets of life are revealed.

Now the fool will use this credo as a justification to to do anything stupid that they want. For example, one may be tempted to take drugs. The “”Should I? Shouldn’t I?” philosophy does not apply here! Only on life-enhansing, life-affirming experiences that will lead to inner growth can you apply this philosophy.

In choosing “I shouldn’t” life goes on the same as it always has, without surprises, without any newness. In choosing “I should” each moment becomes fresh and anew. People are actually bored with life and this is because they do not jump in. They stand on the sidelines of life watching life happen to everyone else. These are the people who spend all their lives criticizing the doers, blaming others, or just wishing they had the courage to take a chance.

Blessed are those who have found a true spiritual path, for to live spiritually is to live fearlessly, to live whole-heartedlyy, and to leap without looking, putting faith into existence. What is there to fear when you have surrendered your ego, when you have dropped attachments to things? When one has nothing left to lose, when one no longer worries what others think of them, when one no longer defines his/herself by mundane worldly possessions and titles of prestige, has one gained the entire universe.

Of all the paths that you may seek, make the path back to your Soul the fundamental guiding principal in your life. Then, in time and with practice, see how the other choices in your life become more obvious, more clear. With each step closer to your Soul your destiny unfolds and your divine purpose is revealed, little by little. You need answers? Answers shall come. You need support? The Universe shall support you. This is the Law of the Divine, that as your direct your consciousness towards it, it directs itself towards you, to assist you and bring you what is needed.

She who has been liberated commands the Infinite.
She who has surrendered her ego is guided by her Soul.
She who has control of the mind conquers all obstacles.
She who is consistent in her discipline attains inner silence.
She who is devoted to serving existence is served in return.
She who lives in accord with her divine purpose is the beloved of God.

One Comment:

  1. Thank you, Sevaji, for the beautiful introspection on choosing our paths ~ It seems that the paths one chooses is fundamental in the life we live ~ I have found my paths have been a combination of true intuitive paths, which have been the most fulfilling, but also some paths out of necessity due to unforeseen circumstances ~ Your insight is a wonderful study and observation of the importance of finding and choosing our true “soul paths”~ Sat Nam ~ Coralina ~

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