The Political Mind

As humans, a so-called “evolved” species, we have a vastly complex hierarchy of power, far more complex than in the animal kingdom. In the animal kingdom it is quite simple: the most powerful rules. In a pride of lions only one lion will be the primary alpha male. To determine this, the male lions will engage in a ferocious fight and whoever is the victor is established as the leader of the pride. Occasionally, a challenger will emerge to contest the rule leading to yet another bloody battle.

In the human domain, we have numerous countries – or prides – dividing the planet, each with a ruler and various sub-rulers. This ruler is never the strongest nor the smartest. What seems to win the position is the degree of cunningness. Thus, the political mind must use various tactics to win the votes of the citizens – the more diabolical the better.

Centuries ago, Italian political strategist Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a manifesto now known as The Prince in which he gave direction on how to use ruthless tactics to control populations and win battles and conquer foreign lands.

In The Prince he wrote, “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”

To a spiritually conscious person this sounds utterly insane. And indeed it is. This sort of ruthlessness is not the way to create peaceful society but the way to control a kingdom through fear. And this has been the mentality of almost all politicians throughout the ages: to use diabolical strategies to compensate for lack of strength and intelligence, to rule by force rather than by wisdom.

Most people, the average working class who earn an honest living, do not want war; they wish only to pursue happiness. Why go to war, risk your life, and kill people, when you can do your 9 to 5 job and then go home and enjoy time with your family, friends, or pet?

Happiness and stability are the enemies of the power hungry politician. So a politician must prove a threat to your happiness to justify a war, or increase taxes, or enlarge the government, or take away your freedoms for your own protection.

It is only in instability that political agendas can be rapidly pursued. Hence, people like Machiavelli are valued by governments. There are very cunning people behind the scenes that you never hear of that work for governments devising ways to extract money from you or take away your rights by creating wars, laws and new taxes.

In the last few decades, for example, the Middle East has really been the playground for the US, orchestrating many problems there by funding one leader to fight against another leader, selling weapons, creating coups, and imposing puppet leadership that will allow the US to control resources. “Religion” or “freedom” or “terrorism” have been the pretext to justify their greed and acts of aggression.

Humanity must awaken to the deception perpetrated on mankind by such cunning leaders. Once you become aware of the schemes the patterns become clear.

Remember: in anger, hatred, violence, greed, and lust for power you are easily swallowed into their political control. Instead see the insanity for it is and choose spiritual wisdom. Awaken kindness. Awaken compassion. Awaken peace. Awaken generosity. Awaken unity. But most of all, awaken love.

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